Gun #3, Battery Tactical #1

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Fort McGilvray, Caines Head

Gun Batteries
Battery Const. #293, Fort McGilvrayBattery Const. #2936-inch Barbette
Gun #3, Battery Tactical #1, Fort McGilvrayBattery Tactical #1 (Rocky Point)155-mm GPF

Fire Control
Rocky Point Command Post, Fort McGilvrayRocky Point Command Post
BC 2, Fort McGilvrayBC 2
B 2/2 S 2/2, Fort McGilvrayB 2/2 S 2/2

Searchlight power plant #1, Rocky Point.Searchlights #1 and #2

Radar Sites
SCR-296, Caines Head.SCR-296 for Battery Const. #293

Other Installations
AA magazine, Fort McGilvray.Antiaircraft magazine
WR magazine C, Fort McGilvray.War reserve magazines
Power House, Magnetic Loop Station.Magnetic detection loop station

Lowell Point
Gun #2, Lowell Point AMTBBattery Tactical #490-mm AMTB

Topeka Point
Searchlight #3, Topeka Point.Searchlight #3

Fort Bulkley, Rugged Island

Gun Batteries
#1 door, Battery Const. #294Battery Const. #2946-inch Barbette

Fire Control
B 1/3 S 1/3, Fort BulkleyBC 3 and B 1/3 S 1/3
Roof of MET station, Ft. BulkleyMET and H.D. Signal station
HDCP door, Ft. BulkleyHDCP, HECP, HDOP and SCR-582

Radar Sites
SCR-296, Rugged Island.SCR-296 for Battery Const. #294
SCR-582, Rugged Island.SCR-582 in HDCP

Other Installations
AA magazine, Fort Bulkley.Antiaircraft magazine
WR magazine tunnel, Fort Bulkley.War reserve magazine tunnel
HD Radio Station.Harbor Defense Radio Station
Power Housing, Ft. Bulkley.HDCP power houses
Mary's Bay dock.Tramway and support buildings

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