Upper Level
HDCP, HECP and SCR-582,
Fort Bulkley, HD Seward
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The upper level of the HDCP complex housed an interpretation room for the SCR-582 surveillance radar and an unusually large observation station. Both were accessed by a short corridor and flight of stairs to the main level.

Stairway and Corridor

Looking up the stairs.
July 2004
Looking east in the corridor.
July 2004
Looking west, down the stairs.
July 2004
Looking west into the corridor.
July 2004


The feed lines for the radar equipment were run from the interpretation room to an access shaft in the observation station. The antenna would have been mounted above the access shaft.

Looking northeast in the interpretation room.
July 2004
Looking southwest in the interpretation room.
July 2004
The top of the ladder shaft.
July 2004
The top of the access shaft.
July 2004
The southeast corner of the interpretation room.
July 2004
Looking northwest in the interpretation room, ladder shaft in the corner.
July 2004
Looking up the access shaft in the observation station.
July 2004
Looking down the access shaft.
July 2004

Observation Station

Looking south in the observation station.
July 2004
Looking west at the south end of the station.
July 2004
Looking south in the observation station.
July 2004
Looking north in the observation station.
July 2004
Looking southwest in the observation station.
July 2004
Looking southeast in the observation station.
July 2004

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Last modified on Friday, 04/21/06, at 12:14 AM
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