Battery Tactical #7
Puffin Island, HD Kodiak
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Battery Tactical #7 consisted of four 90-mm AMTB guns, two mounted permanently and two on mobile mounts. The Coast Artillery sited the battery on the northeast tip of Puffin Island, on a small hill about 60 feet above the water.

A reinforced concrete magazine under the battery was accessed by a pair of long ramps sloping down from the surface. The magazine is particularly interesting as batteries of this type seldom possessed such substantial infrastructure.

The Battery Command station for Battery Tactical #7 was located approximately 700 feet west of the gun emplacements

Emplacements #1 and #2

The #1 gun position.
July 2005
The #1 gun position, looking north.
July 2005
The #2 gun position is more overgrown.
July 2005


Looking northeast along the south entry ramp.
July 2005
Wood debris at the site suggest the ramps had wooden roofs.
July 2005
The south entrance to the magazine.
July 2005
Looking southwest, the north ramp is visible on the left.
July 2005
The north entry ramp.
July 2005
The north entrance to the magazine.
July 2005
Looking southwest in the magazine passage.
July 2005
Looking northeast in the magazine passage.
July 2005
The north entry tunnel.
July 2005
The south entry tunnel.
July 2005
Looking north in the magazine.
July 2005
Looking south in the magazine.
July 2005

Form 1May 1, 1944
Form 7, page 1May 1, 1944
Form 7, page 2May 1944
Form 7, page 3May 1944
Detail map of area, sheet 1September 1944
Detail map of area, sheet 2September 1944
Fire Control Chart.October 1944

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