BC 4, B'4 S'4 and B"3 S"3
Fort Learnard, HD Dutch Harbor
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The three level station housing Battery Const. #298's Battery Command station also contained base end and spotting stations for Battery Const. #298 and Battery Const. #402. Each station is set in front of and one story lower than the one above. Access to the upper station was via a short wooden tunnel, while the lower stations were accessed by trapdoors and short passages cut into the soft volcanic rock.

Looking east at the upper station.
July 2004
The front of the BC station.
July 2004
Looking northwest at the station. Note: This is a composite of two images, and some editing has been done to join them. The overall content is still correct, however.
July 2004

BC Station

Looking east in the station.
July 2004
The BC station, looking south.
July 2004
The west corner.
July 2004
Looking north. Note the trapdoor.
July 2004
Detail of the trapdoor to the next station.
July 2004

B'4 S'4

The soft earth of the entry passage has eroded badly.
You can see the outline of the original passage in the concrete ceiling.
July 2004
Looking north.
July 2004
The south end of the station.
July 2004
Detail of electrical equipment at the front of the station.
July 2004
Detail of old rheostat.
July 2004
The trapdoor to the lower station.
July 2004

B"3 S"3

The passage on this level is less damaged. Note the intact rock face to the left.
July 2004
Adjoining the passage is a wooden shaft, possibly for a ladder.
July 2004
Looking south.
July 2004
The front of the station.
July 2004
Detail of the DPF pedestal.
July 2004

Form 2 
Map of areaDecember 10, 1944

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Last modified on Thursday, 04/20/06, at 11:49 PM
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