Lower Level
HDCP, HECP and SCR-582,
Fort Bulkley, HD Seward
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The lower level of the HDCP complex consists of an entry area from which doors lead to the stairway, utility room, airlock, and the main corridor. The latrines, CWS room, airlock and all of the offices open onto the main corridor.

Entry Area and Main Corridor

Looking east into the entry area.
July 2004
Looking north in the entry area, Airlock door to the right and stairway to the left.
July 2004
Looking east at the airlock, main corridor and utility room doors.
July 2004
Looking north in the main corridor.
July 2004
The south end of the corridor.
July 2004
Looking out the main entrance.
July 2004
Looking southwest in the entry area.
July 2004
Looking west in the entry area.
July 2004
Looking south in main corridor.
July 2004

Utility Room

The utility room, looking northeast.
July 2004
Looking southwest in the utility room.
July 2004
Detail of gas-proof ceiling vent.
July 2004
Detail of ventilation damper.
July 2004
Looking southeast in the utility room.
July 2004
The northwest corner of the utility room.
July 2004
Detail of electrical recess.
July 2004
Detail of ventilation damper.
July 2004

Airlock and CWS Room

Looking west into the airlock.
July 2004
Looking west in the CWS room.
July 2004
Looking west into the airlock.
July 2004
Looking east in the CWS room.
July 2004


Looking east into the enlisted latrine.
July 2004
The southwest corner of the enlisted latrine.
July 2004
Detail of pipes with cloth covers in the enlisted latrine.
July 2004
Looking into the officers latrine.
July 2004
Looking west out of the enlisted latrine.
July 2004
Looking northwest in the enlisted latrine.
July 2004
Detail of light switch. Note that it was installed upside down.
July 2004
Utility space under the latrines, looking west.
July 2004

Office Space, Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4

Looking south in rooms 1 and 2.
July 2004
Detail of stepladder in room 2.
July 2004
The northeast corner of room 3.
July 2004
Looking southwest in room 3.
July 2004
Room 4, looking northwest.
July 2004
Looking south in room 4.
July 2004
Looking north in rooms 1 and 2.
July 2004
Detail of mounting bolts for the partition between rooms 1 and 2.
July 2004
Looking southeast in room 3.
July 2004
Room 3, looking northwest.
July 2004
Looking northeast in room 4.
July 2004
Detail of light fixture in room 3.
July 2004

Office Space, Rooms 5 and 6

Looking northwest in room 5.
July 2004
Room 5, looking southeast.
July 2004
Detail of electrical outlet in room 5.
July 2004
Looking northeast in room 6.
July 2004
The southwest corner of room 6.
July 2004
Looking northeast in room 5.
July 2004
Looking southwest in room 5.
July 2004
Detail of light bulb in room 5. Inset is the label on the bulb.
July 2004
Room 6, looking southeast.
July 2004
Looking northwest in room 6.
July 2004

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Last modified on Friday, 04/21/06, at 12:14 AM
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