Fort Flagler Information
3" gun Ft. Flagler.

Located at the northern end of Marrowstone Island, Fort Flagler was armed with eight 12-inch mortars, two 12-inch guns on altered gun-lift carriages, four 10-inch barbette guns and numerous smaller batteries. The army began construction on the fort in the mid 1890s and had completed most of the batteries by 1905. A battery of 3-inch antiaircraft weapons were emplaced near the southern border of the reservation in 1920, and moved to battery Rawlins during WW 2.

Fort Flagler is now a state park, and most of the batteries and all of the fire control stations are open to the public.


General mapMay 7, 1921
Detail mapMay 7, 1921
General mapMay 22, 1936
Detail mapMay 22, 1936
Fire control mapAugust 1, 1944

List of Fort Casey installations that are represented on this site:

Marrowstome Point AMTB batteryA.M.T.B. Battery90 mm AMTB

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Last modified on Friday, 04/21/06, at 12:01 AM
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